Monday, September 9, 2013


Fire spread is now 225 acres, probably larger.
"Both flanks "look good"...predominant fire is closest to Lyons Valley, but fire spread has "dramatically slowed" and looking much better than just a few minutes ago.

The LYONS FIRE has gone into extended attack. 
Resources are being released from Potrero and sent here. 
Mary Duff took the photo at top from the 4-corners looking northeast. She reported that ground crews were attacking the fire from along Lyons Valley Rd to prevent it from crossing to the backside of Barber Mtn. Winds are moderate and pushing the fire to the north east. 
Some homes along Lyons Valley Rd have been evacuated according to EastCountyMagazine. 
The fire is moving toward a canyon (orange oval). FF's are concerned it could up the ridge from there and drop into Lawson Valley. 
Animals are being evacuated. Earlier the Sheriff requested residents east of Lyons Valley Rd and Honey Springs to evacuate.  That alert was deactivated per the website.
SDG&E is evaluating danger to Sunrise Powerlink.
All roads in area of 4 corners are closed.  From Deerhorn area the only evacuation routes would be down to 94 or Otay Lakes Rd.
The smoke plume at this time is thin and white (that's good!)
IC has ordered 600 meals for fire personnel.

Mary Duffy took this photo from 40corners looking NEE.

This is how Mary Duffy described the fire movement at about 3:00 PM.  The "AREA OF CONCERN" is a small valley.  If fire went there, it could top ridge and move down into Lawson Valley.