Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Well, Folks, it's been awhile.  But here we are with our hands out again, asking for your support.

The last fund drive was in 2017! Since then we've been pretty solvent, at least until the last few months as we began planning this year's activities. 

This is where you come in... and if you don't want to read anymore, I totally get it.  I really have a hard time writing these kinds of requests for funds.  And I've procrastinated too.

Some of you have been monthly contributors, and that has helped so much.  For the rest of us, it's time to see if there are a few extra bills around that you could contribute to the Deerhorn Valley Community Association.  As you're aware, we do things in a pretty easy-going "country" style these days.  We don't charge more than we need to for any of our activities— just enough to cover the food and perishables at cost.  But there are still utility costs, printing, mailings, supplies, equipment and other things to store and maintain.  Porta Potties, cleanups, and whatever we can't do on our own or get a volunteer for.l

Here's your chance.  We try to make it as easy as we can.  Pick your poison:

1. Make checks to: DVCA (Deerhorn Valley Community Association) and mail to:

PO BOX 862
Jamul, CA 91935


Below are pics from our local photographer, Art Valdivia, in Upper Deerhorn. 
Click the link below the pic to see his galleries.
We DO have a good time, don't we?!


While you're at it, use the buttons on the left of this page to sign up for Antler Alerts (occasional email updates and emergency alerts) or order a code compliant address sign from our Outer Jamul Fire Safe Council (Pres. Tom Lamb)

Here are a few more ways to stay connected with your community:

Deerhorn Valley Community Facebook:
Be sure to "Like" this page and choose notifications— emergencies, roads, fire, and more.

The Deerhorn Exchange
(Facebook group for DV area residents only) 

This is a "closed" group and not administered by DVCA, but we definitely stay connected! You'll need to "join," but The Exchange is  geared to be local and neighborly.  It's mostly about gardens, veggies, eggs, internet services, temps, rainfall, and anything else that folks want to know.  Its admins (Thank you Jennifer and Barbara!) keep this page as friendly as possible, so be sure to read the "rules" before posting.  It isn't for rants, politics, or other divisive issues.  It's about celebrating this wonderful community we call home.
Outer Jamul Fire Safe Council Facebook: This is our local area Fire Safe Council, and it's important to have it in your bookmarks file.  Better yet, "like" it so that you can see new posts right away.

Jamul Dulzura Community Planning Group: This is our local advisory group, and the latest updates on the casino, Otay Ranch, commercial developments, and other plans affecting growth and safety. The meetings are twice monthly on Tuesday evenings at Oak Grove Middle School.

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