Saturday, May 11, 2019


More than 1,100 homes are planned for Proctor Valley Road. Those of us who survived the 2007 Harris Fire can take one look at the developer's promo video (below) and easily imagine the potential disaster.

Click photo for enlarged view.
This recently built neighborhood burned last year.  Houses were too close together to allow for defensible space, though much more separated than the ones planned for Proctor Valley. One house ignited by embers, and they burned like dominos in the resulting radiant heat... one house setting off its too-close neighbors. 


Oak Grove Middle School Library

  • May 8, 2019 (Jamul) – On Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m., the Jamul-Dulzura Community Planning Group agenda includes a proposed general plan amendment for Otay Ranch Village 14 and Planning Areas 16 and 19, prior to County Supervisors upcoming June 26 hearing. (Note, the county rescheduled its May 22 hearing to June 26.)
  • The project would include homes, a school, recreational facilities and more on property in the Otay Ranch area as well as land between Jamul and Chula Vista. Concerns have been raised by school districts, tribes, environmentalists and the Jamul-Dulzura Planning Group.  
  • The Jamul-Dulzura Planning Group’s agenda also includes an update on the Jamul Casino, a General Plan clean-up process and officers’ reports.  

Below is the PROMO Film for Adara at Otay Ranch— the 1,100-plus homes planned for two-lane Proctor Valley Road. The developer is doing little more than paving Proctor Valley Rd, and meeting minimum county requirements for building in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).  Ninety percent of the homes will be packed into lots so small that 100' of defensible space is not possible—(the lots range from 4,250sqf to 8,000sqft.)  As we all watched last year, homes built like dominos stacked on end will burn like dominos.  All it takes is one ember and one home with an open window or garage.
Notice the word "fire" is never used in this promo.  They will pave Proctor Valley Road, but leave it as two 12ft lanes.  Their plan even states that the interior streets will be purposefully narrow:
"Vehicle access shall be clearly subordinated to pedestrian access through street design that incorporates narrow travel lanes and minimal driveway and curb cuts.” 
Would you or your loved ones even consider moving to a potential firetrap like this?

The Jamul Dulzura Planning Group will have this on the agenda for May

And here's what Pendo-Jackson thinks should be built in Jamul:

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