An all-out effort by the Deerhorn Community (and beyond) started yesterday afternoon to deliver critical food supplies to the animals in Potrero. County Animal Services are there, but not yet geared up and responding only to telephone requests. There is no phone/cell service in the fire area yet, and there have been many deaths due to dehydration and the brutal temperatures (113° on Sunday).
We are in touch with residents still in the area, and they are requesting animal feed ASAP. With the outstanding help of the Border Patrol, a truckload of animal feed was delivered last night, and another is going out in the next couple of hours (
1) CASH DONATIONS Please use DONATE link on http://deerhornvalley.net (upper left)
f you check "Note to seller" you can mark them "Potero Animals" but we'll figure anything coming in today and after for Potrero Effort.
2) IMMEDIATE NEEDS: Today we are delivering more animal foodstuffs including wet (canned) dog and cat food, alfalfa, vet supplies, horse halters & ropes. The Border Patrol tells us they have plenty of horse/large animal veteran supplies from now on, so we'll concentrate on the animal emergency food.
3) CALFIRE trying to coordinate in opening road for the feed or propane deliveries. Iris is running out of propane that drive water pump —no water after tomorrow. Hopeful SDGE will have power back tomorrow, but nothing is certain.
4) We will be in Potrero delivering the feed donations this afternoon and can better determine immediate vs. longer term needs. For now it's a matter of getting the job done ASAP until agencies can get in gear.
5) Sven Merten/ Jessica Oakes just dropped off fresh bread for Iris and Potrero Neighbors. Also propane. We'll try to get it all through.
6) Latest maps and 7:00 AM update from CALFIRE. So little information getting out from "official sources." Twitter Hashtag: #BorderFire
f you check "Note to seller" you can mark them "Potero Animals" but we'll figure anything coming in today and after for Potrero Effort.
2) IMMEDIATE NEEDS: Today we are delivering more animal foodstuffs including wet (canned) dog and cat food, alfalfa, vet supplies, horse halters & ropes. The Border Patrol tells us they have plenty of horse/large animal veteran supplies from now on, so we'll concentrate on the animal emergency food.
3) CALFIRE trying to coordinate in opening road for the feed or propane deliveries. Iris is running out of propane that drive water pump —no water after tomorrow. Hopeful SDGE will have power back tomorrow, but nothing is certain.
4) We will be in Potrero delivering the feed donations this afternoon and can better determine immediate vs. longer term needs. For now it's a matter of getting the job done ASAP until agencies can get in gear.
5) Sven Merten/ Jessica Oakes just dropped off fresh bread for Iris and Potrero Neighbors. Also propane. We'll try to get it all through.
6) Latest maps and 7:00 AM update from CALFIRE. So little information getting out from "official sources." Twitter Hashtag: #BorderFire