The second food delivery was made to Iris Gardener's in Potrero this afternoon. The word has gotten out to many of the residents who stayed throughout the fire, and last night's delivery was just about gone.
Thanks to Tracie Nelson from Rancho Jamul Reserve, we were able to take TWO pickup-loads in through the roadblocks—feed for horses, pigs, cats, dogs, chickens— plus propane, gasoline, water, electrolytes, vet medical supplies, and more. Your donations were so generous and SO SO appreciated. It is making a real difference.
Sadly, the local market in Potrero, owned by non-residents, immediately raised their prices on the local residents who stayed. ED NOTE: This was the information relayed by residents who had not evacuated.
The bright spots are people like Iris, who opened their farm— Primeval
Gardens— to all the residents in need of feed, hay and water, and other
supplies. While we were there, Raptures Horse Rescue from El Cajon drove
up with two trailers-full of feed, water, buckets, propane, and
gasoline. Residents came and went— many were checking on their
neighbors' vacant homes and had located more distressed animals left
behind when owners could not return. It was heartbreaking work, but many
more animals were being saved than died.
Sven Merten and Jessica Oakes delivered two full bags of home-baked breads for residents. It was gratifying to see these people— giving so much to distressed animals— receive a gift for themselves. Bread to soothe the soul. From Honeymoon Farms.
STILL NEEDED: Senior feed (pellets) for older horses, pig feed, chicken feed, cat litter, toilet paper, paper plates and cups. There is still no power; people hope it will be on in West Potrero by tomorrow or the day after. Until then they will continue to hand-carry water to all the animals in distress.
As we left, the roadblocks were lifted for returning evacuees. It was hard to watch them, remembering what it felt like to drive back home to Deerhorn after the Harris Fire— and not know if your home was still there. Lots of memories from 2007 and 2003 for many of us. Tomorrow we do it again.
DROP OFF FEED DONATIONS at Rob & Kim's (19580 ELENA LANE) or Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve—Use the gate on HWY 94 (Old Daley Ranch). We will also be calling on those who volunteered to make runs for purchases with the cash so generously donated today. Close to $1500. Maybe more. I'm just awed at the outpouring of love and care. It seems to me that having experienced something so similar here in Deerhorn, hearts are even bigger and more loving for those just beginning the journey back to rebuilding, recovery and healing.
I have never been more proud of a community in my whole life. And it's not just Deerhorn, but Jamul, Lyons, and all the areas we call our backcountry
home. I am so thankful to call you all friends and neighbors. Special thanks to Suzanne and Jeremy Walker, who coordinated the delivery last night. It wouldn't have happened without Jeremy and the Border Patrol. They just made things work. Tracie Nelson from Rancho Jamul Reserve (her creds got us through the roadblocks today!), Mary Duffy... driver extraordinairre, Bob at the Lyons Valley Trading Post for expediting last night's delivery at —and below— costs. We had feed and supplies to Potrero within 5 hours. Wow. It does take a whole community.