FORECAST: The National Weather Services says we're in for some serious rain over the next few days, with most of it arriving late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Time to cover up the woodpiles, stock some up for keeping warm, and put a few sandbags in strategic places. Forecasters say to expect between .5 and 1.0 inches.
NINETY EIGHT YEARS AGO: Charlie Hatfield made good on his promise to bring rain to San Diego after three years of drought. He promised to fill Lake Morena for $10,000. Between January 10 and 24th, 17 inches of rain fell. On the 25th a second storm arrived and dropped another 12". The Sweetwater Dam spilled and the sides gave way. But the Otay Dam couldn't hold, and its steel core gave way. The wall of water wiped away everything in its path, and some 20-50 people lost their lives. There was devastation throughout San Diego County. Our Ess-curves on Honey Springs Rd were scoured out by the runoff. The Winnetka Valley, below Mother Grundy Peak, was scoured down to bedrock.
Washouts tore out miles of tracks and trains were stopped for 32 days. Highways and the telephone and telegraph were cut off, leaving only the sea for transportation and Marconi’s wireless for direct communication. …
The San Diego River was a mile-wide torrent covering Mission Valley from the Kearny Mesa to the mesa of the city and sending back-waters between the jutting fingers of both. Great trees tumbled root over branch. Sticks of lumber, railroad ties and parts of houses floated crazily. Out of the gullies from the east and south came droves of cattle, horses, sheep and goats. …
Sweetwater Dam side abutments gave way on January 26th. |
Lower Otay Dam was completely destroyed on January 27th. |