Two engines, a water tender, and two rescue units will remain on the scene of a structure fire that fully-involved two double wide adjoining mobile homes on Mother Grundy Truck Trail, just off the entrance from Honey Springs Road. The fire was contained to the structure and immediate area. Water supply was a problem during the attack, as "no intact supply" was at the site. Three adults were awaiting the Red Cross at a neighboring home. Reportedly one or more dogs inside the structure perished.
Sheriffs' Department are also on scene to determine if an investigation is in order. Earlier reports were of brush being burned outside in an open pit. Nearby residents also have reported hearing loud booms both yesterday and earlier today in the direction of the site.
Units are expected to remain on scene for at least several more hours. The fire is confined to the interior of the structure and scanner traffic indicates there is a "heavy fire load" inside (amount of flammable material and heat). IC reported danger to vegetation "eliminated"
Major Kudos to our DV mail carrier, Archie Darroch, who drove to the neighbors to have them call 911. YEAH ARCHIE!
Thank you to everyone who got the word to me. We all need to be super-vigilant. The brush is crispy-dry. No burning, shooting, hot mufflers in the grass, etc.
Scary times. Be safe.