Friday, July 21, 2017





If you have completed your 2017 Sunrise Powerlink Defensible Space grant project for APN 6000705700 you can submit the work completion documents now.

Complete the Work Completion Form, sign and provide dated detailed paid receipts for your completed project. If you did the work yourself, list your hours and use the Program charge rates from the WORK COMPLETION page on the Grants Program website. To be considered for reimbursement, paid receipts must be provided for your approved eligible grant activities.

The Defensible Space Work Completion Form and instructions are on the Grants Program website WORK COMPLETION page.


UPDATE... AND A NEIGHBOR'S GOOD SUGGESTION:  I am about to upload my work completion form, and I encourage everyone who was selected, but their approved dollar amount was reduced to do what I am doing. I was cut by 50 percent. That would be approximately $1000 dollars, however it still cost me over $2000 dollars to do the work. 
SDG&E is banking on people only putting the approved maximum amount in the work completion form. For me that would be about $1000 dollars. If people put only the approved amount, SDG&E will use that information and statistically build a case that it takes less money to do the same work. This could go one over a few years, and they might cut the approved totals another 50 percent and then they would slowly wiggle out of the commitment.
I encourage everyone to put down the actual cost that you spent, or if you did the work yourself the labor charges and time that you did and not just what they allow. This will stop any number crunching on SDG&E part and hopefully give us a case of how unfair it is to be reduced.         Dennis Clarke


  1. I am about to upload my work completion form, and I encourage everyone who was selected, but their approved dollar amount was reduced to do what I am doing. I was cut by 50 percent. That would be approximately 1000 dollars, however it still cost me over 2000 dollars to do the work. SDG&E is banking on people only putting the approved maximum amount in the work completion form. For me that would be about 1000 dollars. If people put only the approved amount, SDG&E will use that information and statistically build a case that it takes less money to do the same work. This could go one over a few years, and they might cut the approved totals another 50 percent and then they would slowly wiggle out of the commitment. I encourage everyone to put down the actual cost that you spent, or if you did the work yourself the labor charges and time that you did and not just what they allow. This will stop any number crunching on SDG&E part and hopefully give us a case of how unfair it is to be reduced.

    Dennis Clarke

  2. An excellent suggestion, Dennis. The Fire Grant Program has begun to do away with homeowner grants by 1) approving all of suburban Alpine and surrounding areas where the transmission lines are underground 2) using unspent funds (over $600,000 last year) for dubious projects where the lines pose no risk at all. This is completely contrary to the purpose of the mitigation — to reimburse homeowners most at risk from a Powerlink-related fire for additional structure hardening and defensible space. For the life of the Powerlink (58 years). DVCA and JDCPG are both concerned about these actions and pursuing legal and other actions for answers. Stay tuned
