Loose Steel Plates Dislodged Overnight Opening Large Trench Across Roadway
Problem has been reported repeatedly to SDG&E
The Sigalert issued this morning for an open trench on SR-94 at the Jamul Indian Village is still active on the CHP Incident Report page. Commuter traffic backed up for miles this morning as SDG&E tried "getting the right equipment out to get it covered." Last night several cars hit the open trench resulting in flat tire(s) FT and unspecified car damage. Miraculously, there were no serious injuries.
The SigAlert is still shown as active at 4:00 PM, but was never updated since it was issued, leaving backcountry drivers in the dark about road conditions 5:30 AM.
Marcia Spurgeon wrote the following to SDG&E Casino Represenative Don Parent about this dangerous situation which has been described repeatedly to SDG&E, on Facebook, and at local community meetings:
...Needless to say, this is why we told you at the Planning Group meeting and at my office yesterday, we are extremely concerned about the construction and safety on the road. The plates have been placed irregular and are not flush or sealed along the pavement as you have stated they have been. This has occurred along the entire route of the SR94 new SDG&E circuit route.Below are photos of what drivers faced last night (an unlit open trench) and this morning (miles of single-lane backup):
I personally went over the "plates" at the site of the accident last night and found them to be loose and not flush with the pavement.
My two granddaughters were caught in the early morning traffic stoppage trying to go to Steele Canyon High School. They were delayed for a significant amount of time, as were all the other commuters trying to simple go to their jobs.
I hate to think about the cars that were involved in this "incident" or their injuries. So far the CHP has not released that information.
The work on SR 94 has been the cause for major delays, often times with three separate sections stopping cars for 15 minutes or longer. The cost of time, gas and delays for commuters has been
I urge you to investigate the SDG&E contractor, who has been hired to do this work.
Marcia Spurgeon
Last night photo of uncovered trench exposed by loose steel plates |
This morning's back up extended east from the casino construction nearly to Honey Springs Rd. |
Jamulians Against the Casino posted this at 5:25 AM. The lower information was deleted shortly thereafter. At 3:50 PM the SigAlert still appears as active on the CHP Incident Page. |
At 7:30 AM the eastbound backup on 94 extended nearly to Honey Springs Rd. At least one emergency vehicle was delayed attempting to respond to a medical call via Hwy 94. |