From Rob Deason [member DVCA] – Hello, friends and neighbors; what a great parade we had this year – everyone had a good time. Art Valdivia sent his DV Parade photos to Kim. I cut, cropped, and pasted them into a collage. I cropped each to its essence, and in some I "pulled" out a special smile or thing that "says" what might be missed in the large screen view. You may find this collage – being one page – nice to send to friends and family.
The original photos are beautiful, they're posted on our Public Facebook Page:
There, the 2015 Fourth of July Parade & Picnic Album is "pinned" as the topmost post. Also check out "Posts By Others" (lower, in the left column). Barbara Lowell has posted some great photos there.
CLICK ON THE IMAGE, then fit it to your screen.