Todays Union-Tribune features two opposing Commentaries on the Jamul Casino. Please comment and share your voice. You can use your Facebook account, or sign in without.
Jamul casino: Development an unwelcome gamble
—LEO HAMEL, JAMUL ACTION COMMITTEE (Jamul Against the Casino):
An FJ Willert fuel tanker and maintenance trailer locks its brakes to avoid rear-ending a line of cars on 94 just east of Fillippi's. It swerved across the double yellow lanes into the oncoming lane. The truck holds fuels, oils, and maintains equipment at the JIV excavation site. Note the "FLAMMABLE" sign above the FJ WILLERT insignia. Very Scary.
Jamul casino: Realizing tribal dream of self-sufficiency
—RAYMOND HUNTER (Penn National?), Chairman of the Jamul Indian Village:
Excavation site as it appeared just before last week's rains. They appear to have run out of dirt to remove and have hit hard rock. This will both slow down the work at the site AND costs will soar. The first court cases (vs. Caltrans) are scheduled this month. No injunction was filed, as it would be only a temporary fix and take momentum from the bigger lawsuits filed by JAC and the County of San Diego. |