Late yesterday an
Antler Alert went out about a dog seen wandering along Skyline Truck Trail near Wisecarver. It matched the description of a missing dog that had wandered away from her new forever home in Lyons Valley. Her owner had posted a "missing dog" alert on the DeerhornValley Facebook page.
Missy... no longer Missing. |
From Diana Pastora Carson in Lyons Valley: Found her tonight just before dark!!! Thanks to the tips here and The Deerhorn Antler leads, I was able to walk some trails near the campground and along Skyline TT.
We called her name over and over and we heard her faintly and followed the sounds for about 20 mins. We finally found her unable to walk, but alert and very happy to be found. She appeared to have fallen down a ravine and through some barbed wire and was just too exhausted and cold after probably having been there for almost 24 hours.
She is eating and drinking and warming up near the fire next to her sister. I am grateful to those who tried to help her yesterday and those who responded with valuable support and information today. You saved her life. I never would have found her without you.
Thank you!