Driver killed in multi-car crash on SR-94 - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -
(Video from KFMB Channel 8)
There was a horrible crash last night on SR-94 just east of Otay Lakes Road. Three vehicles were involved. Various news sources report that a pickup truck (S10) headed east and speeding. It side-swiped one vehicles then crashed head-on into another. The driver of the pickup was killed. Two other individuals suffered minor-moderate injuries. Alcohol was thought to be a factor.
This intersection is a dangerous one. Drivers attempting to turn left onto SR-94 have little line-of-sight to the right. Westbound traffic on SR-94 come around a blind curve at highway speeds and more. Turning left from Otay is just plain frightening. The area is part of the repaving project, and witnesses said that there was no striping in place, and only a few temporary reflector tabs. And of course SR-94 is unlit for most of its 30 miles. At least one rescue vehicle had trouble reaching the scene because the traffic had jammed the road, and in that area there are no drivable shoulders. The medical examiner was also impeded attempting to reach the accident site. She was finally able to drive the wrong way lane and got through.
The thoughts and prayers of Deerhorn Valley are with all the victims and their families. It's a reminder to hug those we love a little more tightly today. And a reminder to stay safe on the roads at all times, but especially with this rain.