Sunday, July 28, 2013


Gunshots were heard in the same area shortly before fire broke out near the Thousand Trails Pio Pico Campground on Otay Lakes Road, approximately 5 miles west of SR-94.  Forward progress of the fire has been stopped.  Jacob Huggins is on-scene and sent these photos and 1:00 PM update:
"Two retardant tankers and helicopters have been on scene making drops.  The hill is still on fire but most of the top is burned, can't tell if it's gone over the hill.  There is a truck and other vehicles up there as well.  The water helicopter landed at one point for some reason but was up in the air after about 5 minutes.  Can still hear helicopters flying in." - Jacob Huggins

 View from Pio Pico Campground            -photo by Jacob Huggins

-photo by Jacob Huggins

-photo by Jacob Huggins

-photo by Jacob Huggins

-photo by Jacob Huggins

David Damian took this shot from 94 near Melody Lane looking toward Otay Mtn: